Wednesday, October 13, 2010

VFW PAC won't rescind endorsements

The VFW PAC, an independent political action committee connected to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, rejected its parent organization's call on it to "rescind" its endorsements after a firestorm of criticism from conservative veterans.
In a statement on its website, the group said it had endorsed Democrats and Republicans using the narrow criteria it always has: "grading an incumbent's support by the position taken on critical issues of importance to the VFW," namely 13 House votes and nine in the Senate. Incumbents with 10 of the 13 or 7 of the 9 got the endorsement.
The statement continues:
In the political endorsement arena, there will always be party loyalists and individuals that will not agree with the VFW-PAC decision. The Board respects their position and appreciates their activism in support of the candidate of their choice. The VFW-PAC endorsement is not designed to tell people how to vote; but to point out who has demonstrated support for veterans and America's security.
The VFW-PAC disagrees with those who claim the endorsement process is skewed, flawed, or unfair. Some incumbents will have an advantage over another candidate because they have a good voting record on the issues. They also have a disadvantage if their votes don't support the VFW's position.

Well, ain't this just dandy. No matter. This will be another nail in the PAC's coffin come next August when the National Convention is held. To ignore the outcry of the members of the VFW and the call from the National Commander is beyond ridiculous. As I've state earlier, the process IS flawed!!